Destine marcate de istorie. Din biografia unui reputat cineast român Interviu cu regizorul Nicolae Margineanu Nicolae Margineanu: operator scenarist, producator, regizor. S-a nascut la Cluj, ...
Decan al Corpului Diplomatic, Arhiepiscop Francisco Javier Lozano este al patrulea Nuntiu Apostolic în România, dupa decembrie 1989. Doctor în filozofie, în teologie morala si în drept ecumenic. A studiat si a ...
Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen. Education: Duke University, Summer Programme in Transnational Law (1990); LL.M. in Commercial Law, University of Bristol (1992); European University Institute, Academy of European Law ( ...
Born in 1957; law degree (Trinity College, Dublin, 1975-79); Research assistant to Senator Mary Robinson (1978-79 and 1980); Pádraig Pearse Scholarship to study at the College of Europe (1979); postgraduate studies in European law at ...
Professeur agrégé des Facultés de Droit, Institut d’études européennes (IEE) de l’Université Paris VIII (2010-). Doctorat de droit français (2006), Université Robert Schuma ...
Joxe Ramon Bengoetxea obtained his PhD in Law at the University of Edinburgh. Professor of Law, University of the Basque Country. He coordinates the International Master from the University of the Basque Country where he teaches Legal The ...
Professor Patrick Birkinshaw has been a professor since 1990, and has lectured at University of Hull since 1976. He is Director of the Institute of European Public Law (University of Hull), and has been Editor in Chief of European Public La ...
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Revista Journal of Tourism Challenges and Trends
Preceptele dreptului sunt: sa traiesti cinstit, sa nu vatami altuia, sa dai fiecaruia ce i se cuvine
Grigore Alexandrescu
Grigore Alexandrescu a fost un poet si fabulist român.
A debutat cu poezii publica ...
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Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen.
Education: Duke Universit ...
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