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Business English Practice and Progress is a comprehensive new course for students of business English at an intermediate or upper-intermediate level (B1-B2 in the Common European Framework). It is particularly useful for students who wish to expand their business knowledge beyond the usual basics, providing them with more complex topics and communication skills required in a professional environment. It is suitable for both classroom use and self study.
Business English Practice and Progress:
- is structured around five topics - offshoring, information technology, banking, business law, and ethics.
- covers all four skills as well as grammar and vocabulary work in each unit.
- includes a translation section in each unit, focusing on problematic language transfers between English and Romanian.
- uses case studies to consolidate specific language and foster group interaction, decision making, and problem solving.
- reinforces key grammatical areas through independent grammar files which combine theory with practice.
- provides guidance for writing argumentative essays, making oral presentations, and participating in debates, meetings and negotiations
- features authentic up-to-date materials drawn from international newspapers and professional websites.
- encourages critical thinking through various business quotes and discussion points.
- presents tasks with different degrees of difficulty in each section to cater for mixed-ability groups.
- offers a glossary which records all the business terms used in the course.
Monica Condruz-Bacescu
Absolventă a Facultăţii de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine, Universitatea din Bucureşti, promoţia 2000.
Lector titular la Catedra de Limbi Germanice şi Comunicare în Afaceri, disciplina Comunicare de afaceri în limba engleză, ASE Bucureşti.
Doctor în economie din anul 2006 la ASE Bucureşti.
Autoare şi coautoare a peste 35 de articole în domeniul englezei de afaceri, literatură engleză, economie; a peste 25 de comunicări ştiinţifice si a 6 cărţi de engleză de afaceri şi economie.
Viorela-Valentina Dima
Denise Dona
Virginia Mihaela Dumitrescu
Elena Talmacian
Revista Geograful
Religie si filosofie
Cartea pentru scoala
Didactica / Perfectionari
Limba si literatura romana
Carte Preuniversitara
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